Sunday, December 9, 2012

1.1 How to avoid responsibility by getting a job.

Ok, now we'll actually start this ISBI!

Diana was busy yelling at the little people in the meteors. We've decided to call them the "suls" (as in the Simlish greeting "sul sul"). It seemed like a good idea to come up with a short name to call the voices since Diana likes to talk to them a lot.


Two meteor hits and extensive fires later, the fire department finally decides to show up. Diana had been considering clearing some of the junk in the road, since the fires had long since gone out on their own. The nice man from the fire department offered to help Diana with her clean-up.


And she promptly decided to head across town to eat a mushroom instead.


Then, it was time to get a job. Since her LTW is as a mystic, she changed into her swim wear for the job interview.


And ran all the way there. That's showing professionalism, Diana!


She got a job as a Horoscope Reader.

However will she manage to read all of those horoscopes every day?


She'll just have to persevere. 


Time to go home... that must mean evening wear!



  1. Awesome!

    So, is the fortune teller career a rabbithole career? Since that's the only kind non-torchholders can have, I want to know :). I haven't checked that out yet.

    Also, do you have a Nomosaic mod (rather than Twallan's Decensor) to get rid of the censor? Apparently that can also delete fairy wings.

    1. I think it is (getting the job was a rabbit hole, anyway), but I haven't played her first day of work yet so I couldn't tell you for sure.

      Thanks for the tip about the wings! I do have some kind of non-mosaic, and it may have been from before I discovered Twallan's mods. I'll have to check that out!

    2. Whoops. Failed to subscribe to comments here. I take it from your other remark that this didn't work. UGH.

    3. Yep. Well, it sort of worked. The wings show up in CAS now, which is a positive change, but they don't seem to transfer to live. And, they work on other fairies. It's very strange. I'm not sure how much I'm going to worry about it, though. It'd be nice if she had wings, but it could be a good story-line for her to have wing envy or something...

  2. I guess this is going to be AWESOME :D Although we just started, I already love your story.

    1. Diana really is quite fun to play. She's just so random! I think the combination of dramatic with insane should lead to some interesting interactions.

  3. I'm really liking Diana so far, but then you know how much I love insane sims :)

  4. *snorts* Wing envy! I love it!
