Friday, January 4, 2013

1.7 A second chance!

Previously on It's a Wonder-full Life: Diana socialized in the park and then went on a date with Frank I love that he called her and asked her out... what a great feature!). Things were going very well until Diana unleashed the crazy and scared him off. Then she went home alone.

After work the next evening, Diana invited Frank over to her place. She still wanted to have a great date with him, so we were hoping that he'd managed to get over the crazy after a good night's sleep.


Awww, he gave her flowers! He forgives the crazy!


I guess a werewolf would have to take into account the fact that someone else might have a less socially acceptable side, too.


Then again, every time I give Diana a little control, she does something crazy.

Look at his face, Diana, he was not expecting that!


Ok. Frank is obviously willing to put up with the crazy. Look! He accepted her! He's so sweet! We also learned that he is friendly and single.


I think he's a keeper, Diana. Go for it!



Diana invited Frank to sleep over in the interest moving things along. Since she's barely keeping the crazy in, it's probably good to get this relationship locked down as soon as possible!

So they decided to do a little reading together.

That's not exactly what I had in mind, Diana.


Eventually, their reading was interrupted by ghost-Jane. I took that opportunity to fulfill Diana's wish to make-out with Frank.


And then she apparently declared her love.


A little more chatting and Diana learned that Frank love the outdoors, too! They decided to go steady.

And then some.


Another sweet moment, Frank tried to wait for Diana to wake up before leaving. Unfortunately, Diana sleeps late because of her evening shift at the gypsy wagon.


Eventually, Frank had to go to work.

Which is when we found out that he's the mailman!!!



  1. Frank is the mailman! AWESOME!

    I wish he could keep that job if he moved in, but sadly no.

    1. I know! It will be sad for him to have to change jobs. But I seriously cracked up when he changed into his mailman uniform... Diana is doing the mailman! I had no idea when he crashed the party that he was the mailman.

      He's very sweet to her, though, and autonomous flowers!

    2. He is totally her guy! There has to be some career to direct him to when she marries him. Because, of course, she MUST marry him!

      I don't know what rules you're planning to use for the idiots. Most rule sets let you do at least ONE user-directed thing like pick a rabbithole career. I'm using a really permissive rule set myself, which I posted on my About page.

    3. Oh, Diana totally needs to marry Frank... and not just because I'm developing a crush on him!

      I haven't decided much on rules for the idiots. I know some people make them only have part time jobs and others don't let them have jobs at all, but I'm leaning toward the rabbit hole career option. I'll probably take that on a case by case basis, though, depending on what suits my story. (I can see keeping a child-bearing idiot home, for instance, if money's not an issue.)

      I like having the option of doing one directed action per life stage, too. But I think I'll only use it if totally necessary! Kind of like the "one social interaction" rule or the 24 sim-hour exception in the wishacy... I only use it if I need to. (And I'm getting really close to using that 24 hours of control on Ariel just to get her to produce a new generation!)

    4. I like the idea of having a free action to send teens to prom. I'm not sure if there's any big thing I'd want to do with children. We'll just have to see how it works out when I have some.

      The one free YA action could be used to move spares out of the house, which I'll definitely need since mine is a genetic legacy, and I'm planning to produce several kids each generation. I think I'll probably keep a favorite spare, though.

    5. I like the idea of keeping a favorite spare around! I eventually have to move everyone out because too many sims make me crazy, though. Then again, if I'm not actually having to mess with them it might not be so bad!

  2. Ahahahaha :D this is just awesome. I'm really glad that Frank didn't reject Diana because of her crazy side, and to see that he actually is the mailman... what a great chapter. Maybe he could become a journalist, that would still be somewhat close to his previous career... :)

    1. I know! I was so happy that he not only agreed to come over and visit Diana, but he brought her flowers! He obviously got over the crazy date, which is a good sign for their future...

      I love that he's the mailman. It's just the right amount of crazy.

    2. Journalism is a great idea. You start as a paperboy :).

    3. @DragonWife: It was sooo cute to see him give her flowers. It's like an apology. "I'm sorry that I ran away last time. It wasn't you, it was me." Or something like that. ;)

      @Susan: That's perfect then :D

    4. Journalism is a good idea. I'm curious to find out if Frank comes into the house with a "real" job or unemployed...

      Frank was so cute with the flowers. I love that he was apologizing to her for being so abrupt!

    5. It's always fascinating how sims make those beautiful bouquets fit into their backpockets...

  3. Thanks for adding me to your blogroll. I will add yours too :D

    1. Aww! Thanks! I'm somewhere in Generation 2 of your ISBI... but then I got distracted by your EPIC legacy (that's going to be my next challenge)!

  4. Awww I guess Frank isn't so bad after all. Plus, he's the mailman! How cool is that? I bet being a werewolf stops the local dogs from chasing him ;)

    1. Frank is pretty cool. It occurred to me, too, that being a werewolf was probably very handy when it came to delivering the mail!

  5. How cute! The crazy woman and the postal worker. Heh.

  6. He's a mailman, that is totally cool! And he gave her flowers, I think he's a keeper.

    1. Frank loved giving Diana flowers when they were "courting". He's so very sweet!
