Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Generation 2 Heir Poll

In the interest of complete randomness, I've decided to follow good advice and  put the selection of Torch Holder up to the masses (the 5 or 6 of you...)! I have my favorite, of course, but I love them all and frequently change my mind!

This is a little spoilery since I waited until I played through the next couple of birthdays, so Linda and Kent are older here than they are currently in the story. Also, no one has LTWs locked in yet since I don't click on them and can't see whether they've made any choices.

So, should it be Clark:



His traits so far are: Insane, Couch Potato, Hydrophobic, and Easily Impressed. He's also first born and the only fairy child.

Or should it be Linda:



Her traits so far are: Insane, Loser, Friendly, and Can't Stand Art. She's a werewolf, middle child, and somehow came out purple.

Or should it be Kent:



His traits so far are: Insane, Genius, and Bookworm. He's also a werewolf and the baby of the family.

Vote over there on the side bar or leave me a comment with your choice! I'll leave the poll up for a week so that it will be all decided by the time I get a chance to play again.


  1. My first heir poll! *gleeful dance* I've never been able to do one of these before, so cool.

    Hmm, I know you like Linda, I like her too, she's got attitude. And is awesome purple. But...I really like Clark, he's so handsome, and a fairy with cool wings. *is undecided*

    *listens* What's that? My son needs math homework help? Well, sure my baby boy. *runs off to avoid hard decision*

    Um, I'll sleep on it and vote tomorrow. Promise!

    1. It is a rough decision. I can't decide myself! I even made the poll multiple-option-ok because I can't stand the idea of anyone losing!

    2. It is tomorrow (for me!) and I am here to vote. I'm going to go with Clark, he is just honestly my favorite. But I'm thinking Linda will probably win, which is fine because I like her too. *take that, tough decision* *hits ticky box*

      Oh, and because Susan and I were *totally*, *not at all* discussing below that we want to get our hands on Clark and stick him in our stories, I was wondering if you would mind uploading a version of him not as a fairy. (Is Supernaturally deprived still). If it's too much trouble it's all right, I'll wait for Susan to download him and then whine and pout and beg and make her do it. (I *want* that face.) **plots** :D

  2. The first picture of Clark is the BEST picture ever taken for an heir poll! :D Him smiling like "you can't resist me, I'm so cute!" :D

    It's a tough call, really. Clark is pretty, but Linda is so special herself. I don't really connect with Kent, to be honest, but deciding between the first two ones is tough enough.

    I think I'll take Linda. Yes, that's my choice. :)

    1. I love Clark's smile in that picture! If only his wings had been visible, it would have been perfect!

      Linda... is that your final answer??? It's a tough choice. I feel bad for Kent, since he hasn't had any time to reveal his personality. But the clock is ticking on Clark!

    2. I seem to be the only one who has actually voted in the poll?

    3. Yep, that's my final answer. I think her life will be most interesting. And you're right - if Clark is not the heir, he will have to move out soon. So it definitely makes sense to do the poll now!

      And @Susan: the poll tells me I have already voted. But there are no other votes visible for me, as well. Weird.

  3. Urgh. I voted, but I managed not to hit "Publish" on my comment.

    Kent really hasn't had a chance to shine. Poor youngest kids. But I am so torn between Clark and Linda that I voted for both of them! How's that for not helping?

    1. BTW: Diana didn't get totally kicked out of the gene pool. Linda's teen face has a lot of Diana in it.

    2. Well, since you're the only one who's voted so far... you're no help AT ALL!

      I did notice that some of Diana's looks are, finally, showing up in teen Linda. Clark is very much Frank. It will be interesting to see how Kent ends up! (I do feel bad that he really hasn't had much to do yet, the YA kick out is hard to work around!)

    3. Hmmm. Perhaps I should change, since it appears that I did in fact vote for both viable candidates.

      OK, Linda. I love her purpleness and the fact that she has inherited the most Diana.

      But also because I have every intention of making Clark a Wonderland in the future.

    4. Hahaha, Susan, that is *exactly* what I was thinking about Clark, getting my greedy little hands on his genes and throwing him into the apocalypse! *shakes head* We are so sad :)

    5. I do love Clark, so I'm actually pretty excited that he will get to "live on"! Now if only I'd get around to uploading him... I missed out on the last week or so of life (both online and real) due to a horrid cold and fever, but things are looking up now.

  4. For me, the choice is between Linda and Kent. I like Clark, but love the werewolves more. I know Kent hasn't had much face time yet being so little, but I like his potential ... Then again, Linda is full of win. Hmmm ....

    Okay, enough deliberation. The survey says Linda :)

    1. I love Linda, but they all have such potential!

  5. I voted for Clark. :) He's my favorite.

  6. Hey DragonWife. What poll results do YOU see? I still only see a total of two votes, both for Linda. And that way doesn't match the comments.

    1. Yeah, I noticed that too! I think my poll is FUBARed.
